Guenh - 2012-11-27 19:31:08

“I looked over at Gourry. There was something I’d been meaning to talk to him about.
“Gourry?” I asked, hoping I could get his attention.
“Mm?” he mumbled, slurping from his plate of pasta.
Just say it, Lina. Since when does he ever pay attention?
“Actually,” I began, then paused. “I’d like you to, well…keep me company tonight.”
I heard a couple of utensils drop onto plates. Amelia gasped. “Lina-san!” she cried. “That’s very…direct of you!”
“Ah,” Xelloss sighed, his smile taking on entirely new levels of creepy. “It seems that spring has finally arrived.”
I spat out my stew. “Hey!” I choked as I wiped my mouth. “That’s NOT what I meant!” I whipped my head to Gourry, but he’d already gone flush. “Why are you blushing?” I shrieked.
“Uh…” Gourry scratched his head uncomfortably. “Well, when a man and a woman love each other very-“
“NO!” I made sure to cut him off before he said ANOTHER WORD. “I meant I wanted to get in some extra sword practice! What is wrong with all of you!”
Amelia knitted her brow in puzzlement. “Huh?”
Xelloss raised an eyebrow. “Non-euphemistic sword practice?”
Amelia and Xelloss exchanged disappointed glances.”
—     Hajime Kanzaka - Vezendi’s Shadow

Osobiście myślałam, że umrę ze śmiechu.
Ponadto potwierdza to moją teorię, jakoby Xellos był małym zboczkiem.

Meitsa - 2012-12-05 19:33:52

Cholera, aja tego jeszcze nie czytałam! Wstyd sie przyznać, ale mimo ze mam te 8 tomów to tylko pierwszy przeczytałam. Chyba czas to nadrobić...

urwena - 2012-12-22 00:37:01

Meitsa, a te tomy masz w formie książkowej czy bardziej może wirtualnej? Jak to drugie to opcjonowałabym mailowe zapoznanie się z nimi. Jeśli nie- przeżyję i skombinuję, jak to się ładnie mówi ;)

Meitsa - 2012-12-23 10:34:20

Mam w formie książkowej albo sprawdź na eBayu, nie kosztują majątku i można sobie po jednym tomie raz na miesiac kupować :)